Monday 9 May 2011

Bacchanian Verses

In a literary magazine last week I saw an appeal for six poems to be published on the back label of a series of wine releases. The winery is Coriole Wines and their contact is
Of course the following is unlikely to be what they want, but you know me, I could not resist.
By the way, for those old enough to remember, the doll on the left is Lucy from when TV was black and white and comedy shows were funny!

Coriole Wine Verses.

Larss Drinks.
I oft shared a bottle with Larss;
Who sipped with decorum and class.
But once in the bistro
Was totally pissed, so
He finished up flat on his arse!

Wine Lovers.
Two pickers of fruit to make wine,
Their young hearts began to entwine.
Went frequently missing
For cuddling and kissing,
And more, hidden under a vine!

Truth hurts.
‘In vino veritas’ states
You drink and confess your lewd traits.
But heed this dire warning,
That maybe next morning
You’ll find you have lost all your mates!

There once was a fellow named Fred
Who took half a dozen to bed.
His wife’s main objection
Was lack of erection
So now poor Fred sleeps in the shed!

Pic from I Love Lucy 1950's.


  1. That third verse reminds me - you should make sure before telling your deepest, darkest that everyone is as sloshed as you ... nothing worse thatn the sober one in the group remembering and telling all!

  2. LOL - these are pretty funny. I loved that episode of I Love Lucy - but my favorite remains the obvious one - the vitameatavegamin one. Oh my goodness.

  3. I am going to assume their wine is as good as your poems!!!! Wishing you luck. I went to the website ~~~ there is a nice prize for the winner. Oh yes!

  4. I enjoyed your verses, and thy're indeed naughty. Unfortunately the contest is limited to Australia. May have to try their wines, though.

  5. You crack me up. I loved that episode of 'Lucy.' She was such a great comedienne. Did you ever see that one where she worked in the chocolate factory? Absolutely hilarious. You have a gift for comic verse!


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